2025 C.I.T. Registration
In honor of, and in memory of Adam Belyue, a former camper and C.I.T. at Camp Adventure who has passed away late 2023, we have created a scholarship C.I.T. position for a C.I.T. eligible boy or girl. The scholarship position will be awarded on a first come, first served basis, based on specific criteria. Give us a call at 954-475-8650 for more information. Scott and Fran
2025 C.I.T. Complete Registration Packet
C.I.T. Program
Welcome to Camp Adventure! We are looking forward to another fun filled summer, with many new faces, as well as returning campers, and C.I.T.s to help make this summer one of the best ever! The Camp Adventure C.I.T. Program will only be taking applicants that are a minimum of 14 years old by the start of camp, and must be entering at least 9th grade. The C.I.T.’s job responsibilities are to assist their head counselor with the set-up and break down of games, as well as to provide and extra pair of eyes throughout the day. A C.I.T’s job is not the direct supervision of campers.
The Camp Adventure C.I.T. Program will cost $125 per week, with a one time $50 registration fee. Each C.I.T. will be given a self-evaluation every Wednesday to be completed and turned in to their counselor Thursday. Their counselor will complete an evaluation Thursday, then give both evaluations to Scott. Scott will average the scores to determine each C.I.T.’s weekly pay. 38 – 40 points will earn a full $125 refund, 34-37 points will earn $100, and 30-33 points will earn $75. If a C.I.T. fails to earn a minimum score of 30 points for the week, they will not be paid. The C.I.T. will be given a one week probation to improve their job performance. C.I.T.’s who cannot perform to expectations may come to camp as a camper, or may make other summer plans.
All C.I.T.’s must attend camp a minimum of 3 weeks in sessions 1 and/or session 2 in order to attend Session 3 – any 3 weeks will suffice.
Registration Information
Our C.I.T. Program will be accepting the first 25 applications mailed in. A waiting list for our C.I.T. program will begin with the 26th received application.
Mail-In Registration – Camp Adventure will be accepting mail-in registrations from January 1, 2025 through June 1, 2025. Just click the link above, download application, and follow the instructions provided on the checklist. Please remember that after the first 25 applicants are received all other applications will be placed on our waiting list and will be filled in the order received when and if openings come up.
Registration at Calvary Fellowship Church
Scott & Fran will be at the Calvary Fellowship Church the following Saturday dates:
May 3rd and May 31st, from 9 AM to 2 PM